New role of HR’s in the COVID-19 pandemic


New role of HR’s in the COVID-19 pandemic


If you are not worried about your immediate survival in the current national lockdown, then your next worry is how this impacts your employer and your future.

Like most professionals, your job is still and will remain your primary source of income whether you associate with the small or big organization it is the most valuable part of your life and this unpredictable crisis appears to be a major threat all over in the short, medium and multi national term organization. If you are not working in essential services, you have less work during a shutdown with no business, leading to frustration and anxiety to all.

Today, more than any other time in history, online learning is happening all over the world—whether you’re listening to podcasts, taking online courses, or reading, you are doing some form of distance learning, many of them just preparing their after COVID-19 tasks how they can cover-up their Business as one of leading.

At this moment, we still don’t know how life will change after the Coronavirus.

One thing we know is that we were not prepared for such a sudden life change as time goes on, it is yet to be seen how business will pan out online in the public and private sectors.


HR’s New Role

In the new economy and the crisis going on, winning will spring from organizational capabilities such as speed, responsiveness, agility, learning capacity, and employee competence. Successful organizations will be those that are capable to learn quickly and turn strategy into action to manage processes intelligently and efficiently to maximize employee contribution and commitment and to create the conditions for seamless change. The need to develop those capabilities you must need to bring us back to the mandate for Recruitment process outsourcing set forth at the beginning.


Let’s take a closer look at each HR imperative in turn


Technology Driven Hiring Process

From videoconferencing to the Internet, technology has made our world smaller and faster. Ideas and massive amounts of all the information are in constant movement. The challenge for recruitment managers is to make sense and good use of what technology offers. Not all technology adds value. But technology can and will affect how and where work gets done beneficial. In the coming years, hiring managers will need to figure out how to make technology a viable, productive part of the work setting. For this they will need to stay in touched with the recruitment agency, staffing and payroll services provider to be the best in hiring the top notch talent for their company in regards to best business results.


Remote Hiring of the Staff

In this step you all will know the tips and insights from MME how we hiring in the fully remote environment from many years. Response to the urgent requirement for many companies to transition to a fully remote workplace because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are always here to support you terms of better pricing and solutions in your temporary and permanent staffing outsource solutions by top Recruitment Consultancy in India. This method is said that the hiring virtually and in-office the main difference in the interviewing process is that the interviews we conduct via various online sources. Meanwhile there is no change in the screening process.

 Employers Form

Hiring and Retaining Remotely

Continuous engagement with the selected passive candidates is one of the most important key in this industry also it helps us to tackle with the challenges that are facing in recruitment on time. Candidate engagement is defined as the process of continuous communication with the selected candidates.

As this is the main challenge many organization is facing that is to hold the candidate till the joining in company. The ways to tackle with this first you take a help from the complete recruitment and payroll outsource agency in Delhi that provide permanent staffing solutions firm. Second, is you need to create a long term plan and strategy to hold the active and passionate candidates by sending them the regular messages and email to engage them.


Change and More Change Continuously in HR field

MME, is a top manpower recruitment consultancy in India, who brings the best technology driven talent to the topmost leading companies throughout the world. We filter out candidates who are promising to be the best in the future. We have pool candidates who excel in producing products from different segments. And, we also have a few who are aware of the latest technologies accessible in the market. Perhaps the greatest competitive challenge companies’ face is adjusting to indeed, embracing nonstop change in process of hiring. To thrive, companies will need to be in a never-ending state of transformation, perpetually creating fundamental, enduring change for this we are here to help you out.